Saturday, August 08, 2009

Damn those guinea pig-eating wool winders

Most of yesterday afternoon was spent with my knittting buddy in an hysterical attempt to wind a badly-constructed skein of wool into a ball. Now a skein isn't a complicated thing. It's really just a big circle of yarn twisted up a bit. It should be easy to put on a swift and re-wind to a ball. Should be. Not this one. This was the single most twisted, knotty, screwed up skein I have ever come across and we ended up having to create a new form of cats cradle just to get it wound properly. Still, at least we had a laugh (and some cake) while we were at it.

The next big decision is what to make with it now it's done. Since it's variegated it needs to be something with not too much lace pattern but not so plain as to be dull to knit. I'm considering something like the Knitty surprise sock pattern. We'll see.