Sunday, September 06, 2009

Photocamp Bradford 2009 - Part 1

Having seen the session topics posted before the event, I already had an idea of what I wanted to get out of the weekend. In the next year I would like to take my photography to the next level. I've been handed a great opportunity to shoot a big event and I'm considering a little exhibition to go along with it. The idea of this is completely new for me - I've never considered it before and I often find the art photography world a bit scary, so when I saw that Impressions Gallery were running a session on how to prepare a body of work for presentation I immediately put it on my 'must attend' list.

The session focused primarily on portfolio reviews - opportunities for photographers to get critiques on their work from established photographers, gallery directors etc. but the information was equally useful in terms of self-evaluation and planning projects. We discussed the physical presentation of work, the questions you would be asked (and should therefore ask yourself) and we looked at Carolyn Mendelsohn's portfolio, which was a revealing insight into what an actual portfolio review would involve. All of this certainly made the process seem less intimidating and I think made everyone a little more comfortable with the idea of presenting their work to others.